May's World

Thursday, June 30, 2005

vbs (ish)

Well it appears it is now time to post. I currently am watching Skylar and Elijah, but they are in their play bubble bath. They love them so much...usually I play with them but tonight I think I will just blog.
So VBS this week has went well. It has been interesting to me to see the difference of children between ages 5-12..which i suppose is a significant age gap. I am happy to see that they all seem eager to learn about Jesus and what else VBS has to teach them. Jessica and I have a lesson on John 3:16, and we are teaching the children about forgiveness. I have found this incredibly challenging in a sense. I mean what we do is quite simple because we basically follow a plan..but trying to teach the children the importance of forgiveness is hard. I mean at the age of 18, im here still just beginning to understand the vast concept of what it is to forgive. Its so much easier to say than do, especially to children when we are telling them how they should be forgiving their brother and sister for fighting or whatever, because at that stage of their life that is mainly whats on their minds ya know? But to me, we are teaching them so much more than that...we are needing to teach them in the simplest form what is it to forgive, how we are forgiven, why we should forgive etc, and not just pertaining to present times, but also we are setting the foundation of their understanding for the rest of their lives, whether they stay interested in the Lord or not. My favorite activity that we are doing involves ripped up t-shirts (otherwise known as rags). I explain to the kids, that these rags are to use to write out a sin they feel the need to be forgiven for, and that I am giving them a washable marker to order that at the end of the week Jessica (my sister in law) will wash them all, so the rags become clean, symbolizing how if we pray and ask for forgiveness of our sins God will cleanse us and purify us from our evil desires. I picked out 1 John 1:8-10 to read them to prepare their minds for the activity "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives"...So tomorrow is the last day, and I am going to fill out my own rag. There are so many things that I need to confess and just pray over. There is so much to forgiveness, I guess my prayer is that this lesson at VBS can prepare these children to continue to search and read through God's word all about forgiveness so they themselves can come to grasp the entirety of it all...and that I myself can continually learn the importance and grow in the Lord. One of the songs we sing has some awesome lyrics:
In the secret
In the quiet place
In the stillness
You are there
In the secret
In the quiet hour I wait
only for You
Cause, I want to know You more

I want to know You
I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more
I want to touch You
I want to see Your face
I want to know You more

I am reaching
for the highest goal
That I might receive
the prize
Pressing onward
Pushing every hindrance aside
Out of my way
Cause, I want to know You more.
Chorus (3x)

The chorus is so really actually speak those words and mean them..and in the second verse where it says "pushing every hindrance aside out of my way cause I want to know you more" I wish I were doing that. I find myself very caught up in my own thoughts. I find that lately I am just trying to look for resolutions to whats on my heart, which isn't necessairly a bad thing, but am I trying to manipulate God's ways? If i were to just push aside the hidrance of constant thinking and trying to understand why some things happen the way they do, then perhaps I would be able to be where God is and better yet continue to know Him more. Much easier said then done. In reality lol thoughts are evil. I am tired of thinking so much...its gotten so bad as tonight I was playing basketball, just shooting hoops..and saying something and if it went in, it was yes, and if it didnt it was no...Thats like a game i played when i was six...but it was fun I suppose..despite the fact i was using it as a determinant to my life..ha..even though I wouldnt change my thoughts anyways...guess that is what amounts when you are stubborn like myself ..
Anyways thats enough pointless rambling about thinking..

Well as I leave, I just want you guys to think of someone you love, who you know is hurting...say a prayer for them, and never give up on them...everyone needs somebody to believe in them......


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