May's World

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lunch hour bordem

I have just over 15 minutes left to lunch and am not doing all that much so I figured that what better to do then write?..hence my being here and using my digits to script this message.
Today has been a good day...the sun is shining (yay), (although the Canadian temperatures still need lots of rising to do), Spare was spent sitting outside with Chomper, and Jlee, and Rach...we went through and did our pits and peaks that was fun, blah blah blah. Both of my classes today are work periods, so basically just a day with lots of reading. I hope I am able to finish of the school year good and strong.
Ou last night and today we had the Rochester College A Cappella chorus come and sing to us. They were really good. I very much enjoyed their musical talent, especially their robotic faces, and lack of smiles...but none the less they were amazing...good to see Jon too. (not that they didnt smile at all, just a bit lacking)
So my plans for tonight....well I have no idea...could be travelling to Niagara Falls to go to Central Gospel church with Matthew Drost, but I have a feeling that wont occur..who knows...Megan and I could possibly hang out if she were to have a car...but I doubt that too considering she will be leaving for Co-op in like a minute and I havent talked with her about it...For sure though during the hour of 9pm until 10pm, my eyes will be glued on the television, possibly crying, watching the Season finale of Gilmore Girls...It has been an amazing season and I am so sad its coming to a close, but then I will have something to look forward to in the fall.
I want to say that my outlook is happy, but it would be more accurate just to say content; not completely, but dealing.
Well the bell is going to ring soon enough and I have run out of things to say.


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