May's World

Monday, May 09, 2005

I find it funny, the way in which people are so attracted to read negative thoughts, or complaints, yet as soon as one brings up the Lord they instantly scan and or close the window...Are we that conditioned to negativity that we don't see the need for happiness, joy, and truth? Just an interesting thought, as I have seen the way that some ppl read my blog, or lack thereof. Not that it is mine to judge their hearts but rather is an interesting observation.

This weekend played out really nice. I had a enjoyable evening Friday night, and a very yummy breakfast on Saturday morning at Features (awesome restaurant), and then I headed out to L'arche. The core members in the Maranatha house are all beautiful people, and I feel as if I carried away a lesson from each of them. As to whether or not I will take the job for the whole summer I am still not certain. I need to pray, as well receive prayers in my discernment towards l'arche. I see many positive benefits from it, as well many negative. It is my job now to seek the Lords will in it all.

Today we were watching a Leo Buscaglia movie in Family Studies...ha I love that guy. He is such an encouragement. Anyways during a specific part of his talk, he brought up the idea of our well timed routine lives, and its so true. We all get up at the same time, and basically do the same thing every day...get up from your side of the bed, brush your teeth, shower, go to school/work etc...blah blah and the day continues on. Well he also talked about breaking that routine, get out and do something different. I find that GL is very rountine run. Every Tuesday is Adelphe, Wednesday-chruch, Thursday-Chorus/devo etc...yet i am a strong person of the ideas of changing routine ring loud and clear in my mind. It mainly made me think of a song by Toby Keith called my list. Here are the lyrics:

Under an old brass paper weight,
is my list of things to do today:
Go to the bank and the hardware store,
put a new lock on the cellar door.
I cross 'em off as I get 'em done,
but when the sun is settled, there's still more than a few things left
I haven't got to yet.
Like go for a walk, say a little prayer,
take a deep breath of mountain air
put on my glove and play some catch
it's time that i make time for that
wade the shore, cast a line,
look up an old lost friend of mine
sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss
start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Wouldn't change the course of fate,
cuttin' the grass just had to wait
cause i've got more important things
like pushin' my kid on the backyard swing
I won't break my back for a million bucks
I can't take to my grave
So why put off for tomorrow, what I could get done today
Like go for a walk, say a little prayer,
take a deep breath of mountain air
put on my glove and play some catch
it's time that i make time for that
wade the shore, cast a line,
look up an old lost friend of mine
sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss
start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Raise a little hell, laugh till it hurts,
Put an extra five in the plate at church,
call up my folks just to chat,
it's time that i make time for that
stay up late, and over sleep
show her what she means to me
catch up on all the things i've always missed

just start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Under an old brass paper weight,
Is my List of things to do today.

To me that song speaks awesome awesome lyrics. I highlighted some of my favorite parts...why put off tomorrow what could get done today? Leo was saying live in the now...for every day is a series of nows, every moment, not yesterdays or tomorrows but nows...thus why we should do today all of what we can. We need to start living, and actually living, not just doing the routine life things. Anyways through the lyrics of the song, i want to encourage all of us to do what we can to show the ones we love, that we actually do....just doing things like talking, or going out to eat doesnt necessairly say "i love you, for who and what you are", but says..well we need to eat, lets go out. My challenge is that you actually try to go out of your way, do it differently....all of these simply run in parallel with the everyday to its fullest, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Well i will leave you on that note with the request that you do something different and encouraging to yourself and others..bring a smile to your face.


  • It's actually a good point that you brought up. I find that when I write my stupidest/funniest/borderline racist stuff I get the most comments/dirty looks. Saying that I also find that when I write mediocre or boring posts I get less of feedback. Why? I don't know. People are lazy maybe. Maybe they just want to be entertained. Who knows? Once again I don't. Needless to say I would like to make clear that I never skim your blogs Amanda.
    Off to to write a paper on chinese oil expenditure,

    By Blogger jason, at 5:32 AM  

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