May's World

Sunday, May 22, 2005


hmm, i dont feel like i have many words to type...I am currently sitting amongst fellow GL students who spend their spare time like myself on the internet. I suppose it makes sense considering this is the only time dorm students can check their email, but there tend to be a lot of day students...meh, not really a concern.
Today has been a really good day thus far...this weekend was also lots of fun too. I woke up at 6 30am..and we left at seven to head from Burlington over here to school. I thought i woke up grumpy, but alas i was proven wrong, and a big smile has been nicely placed on my face. Family Studies went well, a much needed work period...hopefully I get it done. I have to hammer down..i am at a disadvantage until i get all the information I need from Bodens books, but we arent allowed to take them from the i need to write faster or something..i might just get the secretary to photocopy some info for me. Chapel was on Perspectives, and was very well done. They played the song Perspectives by Kutless which is such an awesome song. I think that perspectives is a gift we have been given. We have the ability to choose many different outlooks on the situations that are put infront of us...sadly we tend to choose more negative outlooks but how much better off are we to look at them positively? Spent spare looking writing more Family Studies resouces which is good. Chomper and I listened to awesome country tunage as well thanks to Tim for the wonderful country tunes cd 2...yay..i love music.
Hmm what else can i blab on about..ouuu my book...its so awesome right now (everybodys normal till you get to know them). Its been awesome the whole way through...I have a lot I want to write about it, but my thoughts are still gathering, so I will leave that for an upcoming blog. It will be intense though, so in the words of Scar (The Lion King), be prepared!
I decided that I need to hit up Disney World...Kims most just returned...and I still have never been there...i decided I need to go before i get old and i sent a preposition to Adam, in hopes he would take me since he was practically raised down there...sadly he said not for at least two years....gee, i could be dead then.... but that is a reasonable time slot considering the payment endeavours i must participate in in the near future..
Well thats enough rambling for me. I hope this humble jumble of words finds you all well, and that you see today as Just another day in paradise...(our life lived for God).


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