May's World

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Little Things/Tree

The weekend is over. It went well. The worship as expected was awesome, i had a great time. We had Deeper Still lead the worship most of the time, as well do a concert for us. They did a great job. It was awesome to see the Lord working through them and their ministry of music. I believe that a lot of peoples hearts were touched this weekend.
It was very busy and very tiring. Most of the exec's are currently sick or extremely tired. I imagine it will take at least until next monday to finally catch up with themselves.
Tonight for Adelphe we are doing African Drumming, i am so excited for that. I used to take African Drumming in school when i was younger. I haven't done it in 6 years i think it will be a refreshing experience. Next tuesday we are going to go swimming at brock for adelphe...all girls throughout the school are invited...hopefully it goes over well.
I find myself very interested in just flipping through different blogs. Its interesting to see insight into other peoples see what it is in this world dominating peoples time. Everyonce and a while i come across ones who have people dedicated to serving the Lord. It's interesting to think that by writing what we think or feel we could also be planting a seed in the minds of those who also like to flip through and read blogs...perhaps be an encouragement to others...hmm.
Well today i am tired, but i decided to stay to watch the Girls Soccer game....its their first one. They are playing Heritage, so i know Steph will be here...and Meg said that Melanie was coming too or something like that...which ever happens we will see.
Yesterday was a sombering day. I felt like i was struggling a lot in confidence...not for myself but for others...However I spent last night in a lot of prayer and meditation and I know that the Lords will is perfect and that the happy times in my friends lives will indeed teach them less than the trying times. As long as I am here to encourage them and offer pieces of advice that God gives through me....i am happy to do so.
To think of the saying "its the little things in life that count"....such a true statement. I think we as people living out our daily routines...we get caught up in the big things...when its the little things that mean everything...little notes of encouragement, a hug here or there, an email just mentioning the thinking of one...But not even things from people. Things that God has provided us with that we often don't see because we are so firmly planted in the assurance of them being there...such as food, clothing, shelter, natures vegetation etc. With the observations and realization of having all these things, we see we have so many blessings to truly count. The challenge I guess is to look deep into what we have and see our blessings. Don't overlook what is so plain to see yet so blinded out by other objects rather take the little things that mean so much and use them to our advantage. On that note i leave you with this quote; “Through a tree we were made debtors to God; so through a tree we have our debt canceled.”
— Irenaeus

" The serpent who accomplished his greatest victory from a tree (of the knowledge of the good and evil) suffered his greatest defeat from a tree (the Cross of Calvary)"-Dutch Sheets
Something to think upon


  • Thanks for your encouragement...I dont mind you reading my blog at all. I am just curious how you found it? Let me know I would love to hear.

    By Blogger Scott, at 11:34 AM  

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