May's World

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

That I may give

Todays quotemeal states this: "If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy" quoted by Robert Harris. Its easy to just read this and be like "yah thats true, good saying" but to truly read it and take into account just how hard it is to give yourself to the Lord. Many of us have made the dedication to Christ, and handed over our lives to Him....but it seems that we all have the one little thing we are holding onto. The one thing in our live's that we think we can take care of, or we will control....I dont know, just something I was thinking about as i read that quote. I pray that I am able to each and everyday be sure to continually give myself to the Lord, every little thing that causes me to smile, or cry, or get angry etc.
Sunday's church service went really well. The sermon was basically a 4 point lesson on evagelism, and what it is that often causes us to fear or not get out there and evangelize. I think a lot of the points hit home, and have created in me a need to search and conquer those fears.
I have been feeling a little bit down this week. I know that it is because of the decisions I am having to make, or the thoughts I have been having. Not that they themselves are bad, but the fact that I havent been dealing with them properly and handing them over to God. I really think i just need some time in intense prayer.
This weekend I have my weekend visit at L'arche. I hope that is goes over well, and that I am able to use any talent that God has put within me to serve and help the core members. I have a feeling it could be a long two days, and I am not quite sure how I will be getting back to school...ha, not that i dont mind not attending.

I really need to keep up my positive energy. A lot of things are starting to occur right now and from now till the end of school there are going to be many things with stress: 2 summative essays (one actually on stress), Guatemala, L'arche, perhaps another job, passport stuff (almost done), graduation, and of course leaving. Yet all these things are worldly...and will eventually pass...I guess there is just a lot on my mind right now...yet nothing God can't handle...well bell went which means I must move on to class...
Lord- That i may live through You!


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