May's World

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Sheer Rudeness of People

So when I was down in the States, I had mentioned to Jessica and my brother that while I love the USA, Americans do tend to be more rude than Canadians..but coming back to Canada I have discovered that this is not necessairly true... I think more or less everyone is just downright cold hearted and rude.
Now i know this certainly doesnt apply to all people, but today this is what has been on my mind, and is slightly angering me. Whatever happened to kindness and courteousy?
While at the library today and approaching the ladies who work there with a perfectly pleasant tone..I just got back the shrug of the shoulders, "I really don't care what your needs are service". Now I am sorry, but if you are going to put yourself in a work field of community service perhaps you should intend on being a sociable person...Anyways it has brought me to think about a Chinese Proverbs that says "One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade"...full well knowing that speaks so much truth and how we act today will be pressed upon future generations should we not be careful with the steps we are taking.
None of us are perfect by any means but whatever happened to common courteousy, seriously?
Instead of saying a nice hello to someone as we walk down the streets, we avoid eye contact and walk by as fast as possible...instead of holding the elevator door for another, we all press the close door button as to shut the door as fast as possible...we dont take time to say goodnight, or goodbye to people because we figure it doesnt make a difference or matter, but it certainly does. We are so indulged in ourselves that we dont even begin to see the needs or the hearts of others...we dont see people as one of ourselves; people with hearts and inferior than us, no better, but as an object...its sad.
Anyways I read a quote this week that has kind of stuck with me, it says Anger is a condition where the mind speaks faster than the heart...and it has stuck with me.
Earlier this week however I fell right into the trap of anger. I let my words get away with me, and said things I would rather not have said. I was exactly what I hated..someone who was cold hearted, self indulged and rude. While it is such a blessing that I figured this out and was able to act upon it and pray, it didnt not come without an expense...for sure I know that peoples opinions of me have changed. I know I now rest upon their forgiveness and ability not to judge, but for sure its hard...because I can already sense a change in their personna..This though too has its positive spin, because I have learned from my mistakes and know now what exactly it is I want to stay away from.
Well I am done for now....My prayer is that we can all add kindness into our is a fruit of the spirit, and a very essential one....this whole blog simply stated.."Treat others the way in which you would want to be treated"


  • on the brighter side the housing facility where i work is very nice... yesterday some lady gave me a cold ginger ale and the day before another gave me a popsicle.

    By Blogger jason, at 3:35 PM  

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