May's World

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hey Everyone! It has been forever since I I thought since I had the day off I would do it now. Anyways Life has been very busy lately, yet also extremely boring. I am not much of a routine person, so this getting up and going to work every day just to come back home has caused the spontanaeity in my life to drop drastically. However Cait and I did have a fun weekend...included a lot of driving to random places for a "bad time", yet we still had fun..ha that sounds a bit confusing...but Sunday made it better as we took a road trip to Beamsville and visited the gang there. It was good times. Cait and I took some fun pictures on our pimpmobile, and had a humourous dinner at Kelseys along with Matt, Adam, Dan and yep. Other then that life has simply been filled with working...for those of you who dont know, I am now working at Williams coffee pub...I like it well enough. I love that restaurant and all the working there is pretty alright too. I must say that whenever any of you go through the drive thru, just be thankful for the speed and service you get..until you try it you dont really understand the effort and preparation that goes into it. There are some really cute regular old guys who are always there to greet me at 5:45am..and tell me all these stories and to make sure that while I am cleaning the store, their cars also need cleaned etc...Fun fun.. and yah other than that i dont do too much..i usually come home and nap.. My friends include my brother and Cait, when im not working im usually with them. Its nice though, to have time to spend with my brother, we enjoy ourselves..went and saw the Wedding Crashers was pretty good, funny but had its parts that I didnt really enjoy as much as others would...but meh, such is movies these days. Today is my nephews 3rd birthday which is so exciting. Apparently when my mom called and asked him, how old he was he replied with "I seven!" so cute. Summer life has been quite interesting...I have been learning a lot of lessons and have already grown a lot in many aspects of life...not all of it has been fun, but i know its necessary... So stratford is going alright..the town is absolutely walking is nice...its just the bordem that sometimes overcomes me thats the killer..I know soon enough such things will pass.. Anyways im done rambling...Ciao


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