May's World

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

a buncha nothing

Well well well, its been sometime since i have i am taking some time to do it now. Usually i would have done it yesterday while i was in the lab fourth period, but instead Meg and I had some good conversations.
The weekend was good. A lot of fun. Disappointing that I didn't get to go to the BX dance, and play with Cait, but Richard Simmons kicked in and took over making a very eventful night for me, Crystal, Debrah and Lindsay. Chorus went well, we sounded really nice in the Providence Church...which altogether was a neat experience. On Friday night i got to hang out with Patrick which of course makes me happy...although we didnt do all too much...ouu but on Saturday we got to have sausages from the Canadian Tire Sausage vendor...mmmm they were so good..
hmm, anyways...yesterday was a great day too...i finally bought a phone card, and i used it to call Angie and Maria...two very important ladies in my life. I also talked to Justin on the phone, he was so cute...i love talking to babies/toddlers on the phone. I talked to Elijah this past awesome.
Last night we met at Greg Whitfields for our bible study. It was really good. We talked about Ephesians 4...we barely fit it in on time...but I am really quite glad that I have the chance to participate in this from now until the end of my year. i think that it is quite the awesome thing...
well the sun has been happily shining for the last while, and its been amazing. Everything is turning green and yay.
the youth rally is fastly approaching, as are other events. I have sooo many things happening between now and June. I imagine it will go rather quickly.
This week we are doing our bible modules...and I am in Mr Bodens. It has been very good so far and we have a small amount of people, 6 in its intimate, and nice...we also get to be in the guys common room so thats nice and comfy.
Welp..i think i am going to go home and sleep...ha there is soccer practise tonight, but I decided that i really dont want to be on the without ever going to a practise i quit..hehe..just thought i would reinforce everyones thoughts on me being a quitter.
I am currently reading this amazing book called intercessory prayer. It has offered me so much insight and i love it. I highly recommend it..well now about me going home...i am undecided whether i should sleep in my comfy bed, or outside on the hard deck but in the sunlight...probably bed considering i have a head ache...okay so im rambling on..



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