May's World

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Well camp was awesome! Had a great time with everyone. There were many highlights, but i think that i will just mention one in particular unless my fingers take me took place the Saturday night we arrived. Eric, Jay, Ashley and myself, were amusing ourselves just having casual conversation..when i was trying to feed eric a marshmallow...well one thing leads to another, and Jay and I collaborate some ideas to come up with the most fun idea....shooting marshmallows out of our noses into each others mouths. Ha, it was fabulous! We got some of it taped on Ashleys camera...the first catching shot..of course eric was the one who got it. Some of the other guys jumped in and played along Ian and Yang lol...however i refused some peoples shots..there were some just nasty sounding ones...hehe
My muffin and I had some fun together...we had staff hunt and we laid in some leaves..but just as the kids were coming she threw a bunch on me, and my eyes got owned with dirt and leaf pieces..hah we had so much fun really...more memories to add to our precious friendship..hah
hmm..what else is new..back to work this week..its going alright, on saturday and sunday i work closing shifts which i have never done before, and im working with people i have never met im sure it will be eventful..but im sure all will go well.
So i suck at bloggin these days...i mean i use to be able to type forever...encouraging messages, thought provoking things..and now i just suck. ha..i need to spark up something...hopefully one day i can..
anywho im out.

in addition i would also like to add what the Quotemeal of the day was...i found it amazingly true
“When a person's faith seems to collapse without warning, one can be sure it has been the result of inner conflicts--the termites of disobedience.”
    — Quinton J. Everest


  • I'll have to find some way to get part of those videos on the net. No one's life is complete without seeing the marshmallow shooting!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:03 PM  

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