May's World

Friday, August 12, 2005

once again it has been a while since i actually blogged...the working world makes blogging a lot more boring..cause nothing ever happens in life..except for the waking up and the going to work, only to come home and do it again the next day. It really isnt the life for me...and while i say thats the only thing going on in my life, much more than that is...but that really is the only activity that occurs..
Last weekend i went camping with cait, matt, adam, dan and was pretty good..had its ups and downs, as everything does.
This upcoming week should be going to go out to camp for Jamies week to counsel. It should be fun..get to hang out with dev, lan, eric, and gord...and of course my muffinface!! yay. hopefully its a lot of fun. I really think i could use the spiritual uplifting too...nice to surround myself by that. i went out just this past wednesday to visit my muffin, and it was really fun. we played some intense soccer until she tripped over herself, went flying and gave her leg a huge goose egg. ha, it was hilarious to watch. we both made some sweet falls. but man was it fun. Also had the chance to see everyone else, which is always refreshing.
hmm sad summer is almost over tho, already dreading winter. anyways i need to go to bed...i work tomorrow..
night y'all...keep dreaming.


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