May's World

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Be prepared for a lengthy reading!

Well its been a number of days since i have updated. I was kinda withholding because i knew that whatever i were to begin typing would of course take me a long time....and time wasn't something i had..but now the time has come.
The weekend was yet another eventful time...more eventful than expected, a little overwhelming, but played out well enough. Dennis bought me a dozen mini red roses, which are absolutely beautiful, however it was the card with it that made me cry. He has been such a blessing in my life, and I am so thankful that God has allowed him to come and be a part of my mother's life, as well mine. Its nice to see smiles, and excitement in her eyes. Beyond the roses, he purchased a new 27" tv for us!! I was in disbelief, but i do need to mention, its been much easier on the eyes....but its not the tv that is amazing, it is his spirit of constant giving. He has been such an example to me in these last few months, and he is always spreading his love, and just embracing life for every moment.
After a very intense friday and saturday, pat and i went five pin bowling...very fun! I havent been bowling since i lived in Fergus, so that's been at least 3 years. I got 2 strikes, one each game, and ended up winning both. Its not about winning though, its about the fun...and i had the sweetest bowling shoes ever...they werent even like normal crappy ones. blah blah blah...on to more important things.
A couple of us have decided to have a weekly bible study answer to my prayers. I wanted just a small group as to actually have intellectual discussions and feel and pray for each others needs. I really hope that we can stick with it from now till the end of the year. Its so good just to spend time studying God's words with my brothers and sisters in Christ and really get to the heart of things.
Tonight i think that Shelby and I are going to have a bible date. I love when her and I can get together. The questions that she have always encourage me as I see her spirit search for truth. I believe that searching for the truth is such a great quest, strengthening a person in all their needs.
Lily came in today to talk to our class about essential oils which was a great presentation. She really puts her heart into her beliefs...another encouragement.

I read a book in a day...which is an accomplishment for me...but the book was great. It was a true story behind the life of the Christian muscian Danny Orteli. He wife had developed cancer six months after they were married, and God took their relationship on quite a ride. I discovered some beautiful truths that are so simple yet so complex to actually figure out in the book, and i was very touched at the way God has been working through out this mans life.
Cait and i finally got together on the weekend, and went to tim hortons for a few hours. It was nice. I really hope that God will help carry her through this time, and just give her strength and more importantly strengthen her faith in Him.
I've been doublethinking Guatemala these past few days...Its something that I really need to spend time in intimate prayer with God about....I really desire to go, but over the past few days i have been feeling a piece of something holding me back. When i think about it...its such an amazing opportunity, i can help heal the broken hearts down there, i can learn and experience things that will change me forever inside and out, gain friendships, meet new brothers and sisters in Christ. See these things are what makes me want to go so bad. Its not forever, six months yes is a long time, but think of all the wisdom and faith, and just service I can gain. I ask that you pray about this with me. Money obviously is an issue, but I believe that if this is the road that God is leading me down, He will help me in providing the needs.
L'arche is another thing that i have been thinking about. I was suppose to call the director guy last Friday but i havent got around to it yet. I would love to say that I havent had the chance, but that would be lying. I feel stuck. L'arche makes good money, and its such a great service to people that I know will teach me many lessons in life, but my foot doesnt seem firmly planted...
Life is full of decisions and choices, and well in these next few months, i will have to make some of the biggest for my life.
I am not much of a future outlooker...i would rather embrace the moments life bring as they come....I know that God has a wild ride ahead of me for my life to take...I just want to do His will. I need to completely give myself over to Him in that...I really just need to place my hand in His and have Him take me down the path. Here i think of "Walking that line"....its one of my favorites... "I'm walking that line, never look back, i'm walking that line, on the right track, I'm never alone, cause Hes holding my hand, and everything's fine cause I'm walking that line to the promise land." Isnt that just such a pure and joyful thought...our hand in Jesus', walking life with Him....hmmm
It seems i have sooo many thoughts just flying around in my head...The wheels just keep on turning...i could literally just write forever.....which may of course cause boredom and you who are reading have probably forgotten what i have just said...but all is least i have been able to clear my mind a bit.
The never ending thought on my mind are friends...they baffle my mind. I long to keep connections with them, and the more i long, the more it seems they have been diminishing. I pray that I am able to see God's work in them, and in our relationships with one another...but I wont continue rambling on about them.
Yesterday as i was walking home i was listening to Casting Crowns...the sun was shining, and the sky was the most gorgeous blue..the song i was listening to was voice of was a very calming moment. I was at peace and admired the beauty. There was a ton of children out having recess and there were seagulls picking the worms out of the was such a picture of spring...rebirth, renewal....easily described as undescribable....plain beauty. During the hours of darkness Debrah and i went into the hot tub and as I looked up, i just had the moment to see the beauty of the stars...the ceiling to our world...another irreplaceable image. Often we take for granted the beauty in which God has painted our world....but I highly recommend you all take a break and just enhale the beauty that surrounds you.
Well the time has come where I am going to finish this...Until next time "I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ's sake." NASB, Philemon v. 6


  • i'm glad your weekend turned out good. that small group thing sounds good, personally i always feel that the people talking know more than me and I end up listneing rather than participating in the conversation. btw, I'll tell you in person too but thanks for doing my laundry.

    By Blogger jason, at 12:40 PM  

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