May's World

Sunday, May 22, 2005


hmm, i dont feel like i have many words to type...I am currently sitting amongst fellow GL students who spend their spare time like myself on the internet. I suppose it makes sense considering this is the only time dorm students can check their email, but there tend to be a lot of day students...meh, not really a concern.
Today has been a really good day thus far...this weekend was also lots of fun too. I woke up at 6 30am..and we left at seven to head from Burlington over here to school. I thought i woke up grumpy, but alas i was proven wrong, and a big smile has been nicely placed on my face. Family Studies went well, a much needed work period...hopefully I get it done. I have to hammer down..i am at a disadvantage until i get all the information I need from Bodens books, but we arent allowed to take them from the i need to write faster or something..i might just get the secretary to photocopy some info for me. Chapel was on Perspectives, and was very well done. They played the song Perspectives by Kutless which is such an awesome song. I think that perspectives is a gift we have been given. We have the ability to choose many different outlooks on the situations that are put infront of us...sadly we tend to choose more negative outlooks but how much better off are we to look at them positively? Spent spare looking writing more Family Studies resouces which is good. Chomper and I listened to awesome country tunage as well thanks to Tim for the wonderful country tunes cd 2...yay..i love music.
Hmm what else can i blab on about..ouuu my book...its so awesome right now (everybodys normal till you get to know them). Its been awesome the whole way through...I have a lot I want to write about it, but my thoughts are still gathering, so I will leave that for an upcoming blog. It will be intense though, so in the words of Scar (The Lion King), be prepared!
I decided that I need to hit up Disney World...Kims most just returned...and I still have never been there...i decided I need to go before i get old and i sent a preposition to Adam, in hopes he would take me since he was practically raised down there...sadly he said not for at least two years....gee, i could be dead then.... but that is a reasonable time slot considering the payment endeavours i must participate in in the near future..
Well thats enough rambling for me. I hope this humble jumble of words finds you all well, and that you see today as Just another day in paradise...(our life lived for God).

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lunch hour bordem

I have just over 15 minutes left to lunch and am not doing all that much so I figured that what better to do then write?..hence my being here and using my digits to script this message.
Today has been a good day...the sun is shining (yay), (although the Canadian temperatures still need lots of rising to do), Spare was spent sitting outside with Chomper, and Jlee, and Rach...we went through and did our pits and peaks that was fun, blah blah blah. Both of my classes today are work periods, so basically just a day with lots of reading. I hope I am able to finish of the school year good and strong.
Ou last night and today we had the Rochester College A Cappella chorus come and sing to us. They were really good. I very much enjoyed their musical talent, especially their robotic faces, and lack of smiles...but none the less they were amazing...good to see Jon too. (not that they didnt smile at all, just a bit lacking)
So my plans for tonight....well I have no idea...could be travelling to Niagara Falls to go to Central Gospel church with Matthew Drost, but I have a feeling that wont occur..who knows...Megan and I could possibly hang out if she were to have a car...but I doubt that too considering she will be leaving for Co-op in like a minute and I havent talked with her about it...For sure though during the hour of 9pm until 10pm, my eyes will be glued on the television, possibly crying, watching the Season finale of Gilmore Girls...It has been an amazing season and I am so sad its coming to a close, but then I will have something to look forward to in the fall.
I want to say that my outlook is happy, but it would be more accurate just to say content; not completely, but dealing.
Well the bell is going to ring soon enough and I have run out of things to say.

Monday, May 16, 2005

well i am not too sure as where to begin. I dont know that I will type all that much because well all I really have is negative energy and I dont want to pass it on to others. Weekend was rough...but there were some highlights. Cait and I went to a BX dance (with a bunch of others too) and that was wicked awesome. We had fun, ou and mom and I loved the chicken..which was good but also sad.
To change when you arent wanting to is indeed a difficult task..
well dont really feel like blogging...maybe another day.

Friday, May 13, 2005

No need to cry your eyes out

Well yesterday did really turn out to be a crappy day, and when lack of sleep occurs it usually runs into the next day. Today has been seemingly well considering. Crystal and I had a nice spare outside laying in the grass just enjoying the sun, of course decked out in sweaters due to the cold front that has been put on.
I just finished my Family Studies Literature Review which is a bonus, cause now its only 3 periods late instead of three days.
I am quite proud of my concentration on what needs to be done today, I really didn't think i would have the strength to do anything at all today, not even talk.... I need to thank God for giving me strength and hope during hard times. It is because of Him that I am able to develop within myself a need to be optimisitic. I am thankful that I am who I am and I can manage myself without having someone else dwell in me and depend on my happiness.
Does this mean that I am happy? Certainly not, I am far from happy...but I do possess joy, and for that I am grateful. I suppose this is another transition period in my life. My prayer is that God will lead me down whichever road His will demands, and I will continually follow. Thanks for the support is appreciated.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

hums and dahs

well i havent blogged for a few days and as i sit here attempting to do some school work, i find myself drifting off to sleep as i "read" the research i am looking up...doesn't necessairly matter because i am on my spare, but still this literature review is due tomorrrow and odds are i wont have it done. I always seem to do fairly well during the school year, but once it comes to the summative projects and what not i lack the motivation...which really isn't the case here..more that i can't seem to find the information i am looking for....meh enough about that.

Last night was weekly dinner, however, Greg skipped out on it was just Gord, Laura and myself. We still had an enjoyable time, ate lots, and all is well.

I am a little bit bummed out right now...this week has been kind of long. I anticipated the arrival of the weekend all week thinking i was going to be able to go to Ohio, see my sister graduate university and visit with my niece and nephew, but obviously things dont always work out as I dont get to go. My spirit is with them anyways. So my plans have slightly changed but it looks like on Saturday night Cait and I will be able to go to a video dance party...and hopefully that will be lots of fun, if indeed i do end up going.

Well tonight a bunch of us students are heading to Niagara Falls to see Shine (a musical megan has been workign really hard on for the past 4 months). I am very excited though you can not tell because my eyes are wanting to be sleeping.

It really is a beautiful day outside, although the temperatures are quite frosty..meh a warm sweater helps. Anyways this is basically a boring blog with no substance...but what more can you ask from someone who is very very sleepy. Have a good night. God Bless

Monday, May 09, 2005

I find it funny, the way in which people are so attracted to read negative thoughts, or complaints, yet as soon as one brings up the Lord they instantly scan and or close the window...Are we that conditioned to negativity that we don't see the need for happiness, joy, and truth? Just an interesting thought, as I have seen the way that some ppl read my blog, or lack thereof. Not that it is mine to judge their hearts but rather is an interesting observation.

This weekend played out really nice. I had a enjoyable evening Friday night, and a very yummy breakfast on Saturday morning at Features (awesome restaurant), and then I headed out to L'arche. The core members in the Maranatha house are all beautiful people, and I feel as if I carried away a lesson from each of them. As to whether or not I will take the job for the whole summer I am still not certain. I need to pray, as well receive prayers in my discernment towards l'arche. I see many positive benefits from it, as well many negative. It is my job now to seek the Lords will in it all.

Today we were watching a Leo Buscaglia movie in Family Studies...ha I love that guy. He is such an encouragement. Anyways during a specific part of his talk, he brought up the idea of our well timed routine lives, and its so true. We all get up at the same time, and basically do the same thing every day...get up from your side of the bed, brush your teeth, shower, go to school/work etc...blah blah and the day continues on. Well he also talked about breaking that routine, get out and do something different. I find that GL is very rountine run. Every Tuesday is Adelphe, Wednesday-chruch, Thursday-Chorus/devo etc...yet i am a strong person of the ideas of changing routine ring loud and clear in my mind. It mainly made me think of a song by Toby Keith called my list. Here are the lyrics:

Under an old brass paper weight,
is my list of things to do today:
Go to the bank and the hardware store,
put a new lock on the cellar door.
I cross 'em off as I get 'em done,
but when the sun is settled, there's still more than a few things left
I haven't got to yet.
Like go for a walk, say a little prayer,
take a deep breath of mountain air
put on my glove and play some catch
it's time that i make time for that
wade the shore, cast a line,
look up an old lost friend of mine
sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss
start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Wouldn't change the course of fate,
cuttin' the grass just had to wait
cause i've got more important things
like pushin' my kid on the backyard swing
I won't break my back for a million bucks
I can't take to my grave
So why put off for tomorrow, what I could get done today
Like go for a walk, say a little prayer,
take a deep breath of mountain air
put on my glove and play some catch
it's time that i make time for that
wade the shore, cast a line,
look up an old lost friend of mine
sit on the porch and give my girl a kiss
start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Raise a little hell, laugh till it hurts,
Put an extra five in the plate at church,
call up my folks just to chat,
it's time that i make time for that
stay up late, and over sleep
show her what she means to me
catch up on all the things i've always missed

just start livin'...that's the next thing on my list.
Under an old brass paper weight,
Is my List of things to do today.

To me that song speaks awesome awesome lyrics. I highlighted some of my favorite parts...why put off tomorrow what could get done today? Leo was saying live in the now...for every day is a series of nows, every moment, not yesterdays or tomorrows but nows...thus why we should do today all of what we can. We need to start living, and actually living, not just doing the routine life things. Anyways through the lyrics of the song, i want to encourage all of us to do what we can to show the ones we love, that we actually do....just doing things like talking, or going out to eat doesnt necessairly say "i love you, for who and what you are", but says..well we need to eat, lets go out. My challenge is that you actually try to go out of your way, do it differently....all of these simply run in parallel with the everyday to its fullest, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Well i will leave you on that note with the request that you do something different and encouraging to yourself and others..bring a smile to your face.

Friday, May 06, 2005

His power is perfect

Well yesterday was a great day. I have not laughed so hard in a long time. As weekly dinner came about, so did many fun jokes, pranks, and laughs. Laura, Gord, Greg and myself had some good times, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to fellowship and just hang out with those I love.

Good news, we went to Mitchell's, and all of us made a purchase or two. I picked up the book I want by John Ortberg- Everybody's Normal Until you get to know them..I am very excited to read it, but i decided last night to continue on with Intercessory Prayer, as that has been an amazing inspiration to me, as well full of extensive wisdom.

During spare JL, Crystal and myself had the chance to just sit outside at the picnic tables and have some deep conversations. We had the chance to offer one another little bits of encouragement and advice which is always welcomed. Its such a blessing to be able to just sit and discuss the Lords word with one another and spur each other on in our walks with God.

Devo was good last night. The words to the songs we sing are just so powerful. It is my prayer that as all of us participate in singing, our hearts are filled with the Spirit and ourselves are humbled to God our Father.

I find it is so important to be able to show God's love in all we do. So easily we can be tainted and persuaded into Satan's ways. He's always there trying to devour and master over us. So easily we fall into ways unpleasing to the Lord. I pray that as we are all a part of the church, as we are all one body, as we are all brother and sisters through Him who sacrificed His life for us, that no matter the situation we are there to hold each other accountable. We are there to speak up and represent God. We are the enforcers of Jesus' victory. As much as that is easier said than done we know that the Lord works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and even though we will face troubles, we can take heart because He has overcome the world(John 16:33). The words of 2 Corinthians 12:9 (But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me) is such a truly powerful verse...His power is perfect when we are weak...we can always lean on Him. When we are weary and burdened we can come to Him and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28). Thanks be to God for the times when we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). Thanks be to God that the trying times teach us so much, and that through the trying times we can only see one set of footprints because through those times He is carrying us (thought from footprints the poem).
These words are just an encouragement to think about. Whenever you are down, or feeling lost, think of these verses, think of 1 Cor 10:13-God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Whenever you need someone to lean on, you can come to me, and I will offer to God prayers on your behalf. My prayers brothers and sisters is that we can unite, be one, and hold each other accountable, not just now while we are here at school together, but no matter where we are, or when it is.
Lord, please hear the words my heart is speaking...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

That I may give

Todays quotemeal states this: "If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy" quoted by Robert Harris. Its easy to just read this and be like "yah thats true, good saying" but to truly read it and take into account just how hard it is to give yourself to the Lord. Many of us have made the dedication to Christ, and handed over our lives to Him....but it seems that we all have the one little thing we are holding onto. The one thing in our live's that we think we can take care of, or we will control....I dont know, just something I was thinking about as i read that quote. I pray that I am able to each and everyday be sure to continually give myself to the Lord, every little thing that causes me to smile, or cry, or get angry etc.
Sunday's church service went really well. The sermon was basically a 4 point lesson on evagelism, and what it is that often causes us to fear or not get out there and evangelize. I think a lot of the points hit home, and have created in me a need to search and conquer those fears.
I have been feeling a little bit down this week. I know that it is because of the decisions I am having to make, or the thoughts I have been having. Not that they themselves are bad, but the fact that I havent been dealing with them properly and handing them over to God. I really think i just need some time in intense prayer.
This weekend I have my weekend visit at L'arche. I hope that is goes over well, and that I am able to use any talent that God has put within me to serve and help the core members. I have a feeling it could be a long two days, and I am not quite sure how I will be getting back to school...ha, not that i dont mind not attending.

I really need to keep up my positive energy. A lot of things are starting to occur right now and from now till the end of school there are going to be many things with stress: 2 summative essays (one actually on stress), Guatemala, L'arche, perhaps another job, passport stuff (almost done), graduation, and of course leaving. Yet all these things are worldly...and will eventually pass...I guess there is just a lot on my mind right now...yet nothing God can't handle...well bell went which means I must move on to class...
Lord- That i may live through You!