May's World

Thursday, March 31, 2005

little lessons that life presents us

Today has been an interesting day. One of those, up/down days. Really you choose your own mood, and so I have tried to make the best of the day, and its played out as it has.
On my mind right now are usual, i hate humanity. But in the same sense i love it.
But why do people feel the need to put on a face that isn't truly them? It's those that i usually think i am closest to, that show me that they are nothing to what I really thought they were. I guess that could be somewhat an unfair statement to those who don't participate in such an if it doesn't apply to you, then dont think about it. I just dont have any comprehension as to why one would hide who they truly are for any one else. There is a saying that is one of my favorites and its "You are only what you are when no one is looking"...but in saying that, you should be that person the whole way through, 100 percent of the time.....
It appears I don't have enough energy, or time in the day. I wish to spend so much more time with my friends...there are too many, and too little of time. I want to be in so many places at once.
Its important too, that I use these last few months wisely as they are my last at Great Lakes. I really need to spend more time with Shelby and Tiffany and Courtney and others....the youngin's. I want to leave them with a deep and sincere friendship and more importantly sistership in Christ. I need to spend more time with Jas, and Ryan. I need to continually try to maintain my friendships with those at Ridgetown....Time is running out. And its not sad, because i am so ready to be out of school, but i know it will be sad to leave the friendships i have and the teachers i love. It will be sad not to be able to see the same people everyday and encourage their walk with God, to have the most intellectual discussions concerning God, and His word. It needs to be strengthened so that the times when i am not with these people i am able to look back on our memories. I am so blessed to have relationships with all the people I do, the older people, the younger people, and of course my peers....
Today in split chapel Lindsay and Sarah did a talk on forgiveness which is always a hard topic and a wonderful topic. I think that many of the girls were touched and experienced a lot of provoking thoughts. Forgiveness is such a huge topic, such a thing that causes one to truly humble themselves. I think that it is so encouraging to see Gods forgiveness and use that as an example for our lives. If we think about the hardest thing we have EVER had to forgive, or are still trying to forgive, and the amount of pain that that caused us...the amount of tears we have cried...that is nothing compared to what God experiences from the number of times we continually hinder Him. It is an encouragement. If He can do it, and we live in Him, then we also can do it....all we need to do is love...which of course is a whole huge other topic of life..
Moulin Rouge states "the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return".
As a Christian i am lucky. I have God's word, God's love, and His description of love...I have the true sense of love to try and attain...of course i dont believe any human could attain "true" love as God has meant...but at least we have a standard to try and reach...reach the highest that is humanly possible. I have been loved that God has given up his one son for me, for all of us...all I need to spend the rest of my life learn to love.
This entry doesn't really end any thoughts, they are all left open structure really...but what is structure? Definitely not something i am particularly i am much more for spontaneity.