May's World

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

this and that

Oh man...i could type forever i imagine, all the little thoughts that go through my head.
The weekend definitely proved that things don't always go as planned. Sunday was an eventful day....waking up to hidden easter eggs provided graciously by the easter bunny (aka mommy). And i retrieved my easter basket ready for church only to find that Pats car was stolen..thus us going to church not happening. I won't go into all the fun and exciting events that led to the getting back of the car...anyone who reads this already knows by now. But yes...spent the night at the Toohey household with JL...and of course Pat and Greg. We played Halifax....and although i wanted to play black ball i must admit they are basically the exact same thing. It was fun, however i lost in the end *tear tear*.
Yesterday i did all patricks laundry, that was loads..and greg, jl and I watched aladdin, all reminescing of our younger Disney days...i think we should do it more often.
So today was back to school. I have many thoughts. we had a chapel on living a purposeful life. My purpose in life is to serve God, so i am once again so thankful for the opportunity to go to Guatemala and serve Him. But until then I need to serve Him here. There are many people who I love who need to know the Love of God.
My heart is sad, because many of my friends and I have fallen apart...some cases i dont even understand why. How can people cause so much pain to someone that they love? or have said they loved...Man's ways are foolish...much time in prayer needs to be spent concerning this. I pray about it often. I know Gods ways are better than mans ways. My solution to it all though is just to keep trying. Keep on emailing, keep on encouraging...I dont want to give up...but is there a point in which one should stop trying? I am always torn between that...i believe in perserverence, but i also dont want to pester anyone...a vicious circle..
Life is full of these vicious circles. I am thankful that God has already won and claimed victory over all my the song says The Battle Belongs to the Lord. Hmm i love that hymn..its never sang enough.
Dont get the wrong impression, all is well and i am quite content...But of course minds wonder and question things. Thanks be to God for the blessings He gives me daily.
I have been blessed with so much, my mom, patrick, friends, family, the beauty in life, abundance of food, opportunities, shelter, money. To me it seems impossible to see all the things we have in life, and not give praise to our Father.
Well this is getting even longer than my already lengthy entries..See ya


  • it's so true, i wonder at a lot of all that myself.

    By Blogger jason, at 9:41 AM  

  • lol ya...sometimes there's a certain song that we sing like every fellowship time, and that was one of them. personally it one of my favs too

    By Blogger jason, at 9:42 AM  

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