May's World

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Visited the L'arche people

First off i was wrong, as i thought l'arche was spelt larsh...but i stand corrected. This weekend has been pretty good thus far...spent lots of time playing with Patrick...ouuu mom took us to love the chicken for dinner last night. Mmmm..i had chicken and ribs.
Patrick is trying to tell me that Darla's life is going to end soon and i should say my goodbyes...such harsh and evil words, what did i ever do to him.
So tongiht i went over to one of the L'arche housholds for dinner. I had an original newfie meal. I was quite impressed. It consisted of cabbage, turnip, carrots, dressing, turkey, salt meat, peas pudding, i think that was it...all covered in gravy. Different, yes...but a cultural experience. The people there were really cute. All of course with unique personalities. I respect the way that they are allowed to be their own people. At the dinner table, after eating there was a small napkin throwing, water throwing fight. It was a food fight, however lacking in the food.
GAH so heres todays frustration. I have waited sooooooo incredibly long to watch Mean Girls, and 42 dollars (all the movies) later we had rented it from blockbuster last night. So today i go to watch it and half way through it stops made me soo mad. Pat promised that we could re rent it tomorrow, so soon enough i will get to finish it all.
Hmmm.. well i am out of things to say for this moment. I could ramble on forever, but that means leaving Pat to himself and who knows what trouble he could get himself into...including the fact when i came home he was watching basketball, and for dinner eating doritos and drinking pepsi...sad story i tell you...can't leave him alone...or no good decisions will be love him.


  • jenny's link is btw amay

    By Blogger jason, at 11:01 AM  

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