May's World

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Long weekend, much welcomed!

So....heather's hair went well...a success you might say. I have another "client" to do tomorrow evening, as my mama wants her hair done too...It shall be fun. I love doing it. Apparently my mom is going to grow her hair long...we will see how long that lasts...she is so cute. I have never seen her with long hair before...Shelia told her to try not to come back for a hair cut for 2 or 3 months, lol i know she will be going crazy.
I am excited about the weekend...not that anything overly exciting ever happens but i just enjoy spending my time with patrick, mommy, and brennan. Most of the time we laze around, but this weekend we can laze around and eat chocolate cause the Easter Bunny will be sure to visit.

GAH gilmore girls was a rerun last night...that ticks me Debrah and I watched the rainman...with a few phone interruptions, it finally was over at about 11:30pm. I wasn't too fond of the ending, however it was an amazing movie. Dustin Hoffman played an awesome character.
It sucks that i am not going to be able to make it to Guelph tomorrow night for Jennahs birthday dinner...i will just have to reschedule with her and make it up to her. Eighteen is an important birthday, and shes an important person.
So as i was excited about the coming of spring, it tended to take a slight hold, and snowed all day yesterday...booo!!!
Well enough rambling on for now, i think i am going to explore this site and see if i can do lots of interesting fun things like jess can do on her msn one...hmm


  • Hi,
    Was reading your fave movies... came across 2 things. 1.You've got a typo for Cruel Intentions (Creul). Anyway, and 2 is that i didnt know that you liked the movie Fried Green Tomatoes!!! I didnt know that many ppl saw that movie. I watched it in Gr.9 and i loved it. good to go! cya!
    -Jessi *love*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:28 AM  

  • Hey May,
    Ok, i think i might have it solved. Let me know if this works or not. I hope you have a great long weekend. Love ya!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:20 PM  

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