May's World

Thursday, March 31, 2005

little lessons that life presents us

Today has been an interesting day. One of those, up/down days. Really you choose your own mood, and so I have tried to make the best of the day, and its played out as it has.
On my mind right now are usual, i hate humanity. But in the same sense i love it.
But why do people feel the need to put on a face that isn't truly them? It's those that i usually think i am closest to, that show me that they are nothing to what I really thought they were. I guess that could be somewhat an unfair statement to those who don't participate in such an if it doesn't apply to you, then dont think about it. I just dont have any comprehension as to why one would hide who they truly are for any one else. There is a saying that is one of my favorites and its "You are only what you are when no one is looking"...but in saying that, you should be that person the whole way through, 100 percent of the time.....
It appears I don't have enough energy, or time in the day. I wish to spend so much more time with my friends...there are too many, and too little of time. I want to be in so many places at once.
Its important too, that I use these last few months wisely as they are my last at Great Lakes. I really need to spend more time with Shelby and Tiffany and Courtney and others....the youngin's. I want to leave them with a deep and sincere friendship and more importantly sistership in Christ. I need to spend more time with Jas, and Ryan. I need to continually try to maintain my friendships with those at Ridgetown....Time is running out. And its not sad, because i am so ready to be out of school, but i know it will be sad to leave the friendships i have and the teachers i love. It will be sad not to be able to see the same people everyday and encourage their walk with God, to have the most intellectual discussions concerning God, and His word. It needs to be strengthened so that the times when i am not with these people i am able to look back on our memories. I am so blessed to have relationships with all the people I do, the older people, the younger people, and of course my peers....
Today in split chapel Lindsay and Sarah did a talk on forgiveness which is always a hard topic and a wonderful topic. I think that many of the girls were touched and experienced a lot of provoking thoughts. Forgiveness is such a huge topic, such a thing that causes one to truly humble themselves. I think that it is so encouraging to see Gods forgiveness and use that as an example for our lives. If we think about the hardest thing we have EVER had to forgive, or are still trying to forgive, and the amount of pain that that caused us...the amount of tears we have cried...that is nothing compared to what God experiences from the number of times we continually hinder Him. It is an encouragement. If He can do it, and we live in Him, then we also can do it....all we need to do is love...which of course is a whole huge other topic of life..
Moulin Rouge states "the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return".
As a Christian i am lucky. I have God's word, God's love, and His description of love...I have the true sense of love to try and attain...of course i dont believe any human could attain "true" love as God has meant...but at least we have a standard to try and reach...reach the highest that is humanly possible. I have been loved that God has given up his one son for me, for all of us...all I need to spend the rest of my life learn to love.
This entry doesn't really end any thoughts, they are all left open structure really...but what is structure? Definitely not something i am particularly i am much more for spontaneity.

gah..more female..

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Casting Crowns- Who am I

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Random thoughts

Well here I am once again, ready to type.
Its lunch time here at GL, and the day has been fairly good. Debrah didn't come to school today, as to why i am not sure.
I have a head ache...don't i always, however i think todays is a result of the tight cornrows that are in my hair.
So I am reading through my favorite book of the bible (Ecclesiastes)...again. This is my first time reading it through my NASB translation. So its exciting, because I get to highlight all my favorite verses all over again. It's awesome though because the whole book is telling you that a life without serving God is purposeless, and it's so true, especially Ecc 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end". Although God's creation of earth is so big, it's too small to satisfy man, because man's hearts are set for eternity even though they themselves can not understand it. We truly are such a divine creation.
I think its great that we don't have the answers to everything. I mean sure it is so frustrating during the times we thirst for an answer and can't figure it out. You see in my mind, I dont think we ever can find a true answer to any questions we have, rather we find a satisfactory medium and move on to the next questions we deal with. I take this interpretation from Ecclesiastes as well. The thing is, we have been provided with all the answers we need to live life here on this earth, in the word of God. It's so amazing that we do not know the answers to all things. I think it is a lesson in humility, as we are able to humble ourselves, and give God the praise to His extensive wisdom over everything.
I don't know if this makes much sense...just some thoughts flowing around in my head.
However I will leave you with this for now...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

this and that

Oh man...i could type forever i imagine, all the little thoughts that go through my head.
The weekend definitely proved that things don't always go as planned. Sunday was an eventful day....waking up to hidden easter eggs provided graciously by the easter bunny (aka mommy). And i retrieved my easter basket ready for church only to find that Pats car was stolen..thus us going to church not happening. I won't go into all the fun and exciting events that led to the getting back of the car...anyone who reads this already knows by now. But yes...spent the night at the Toohey household with JL...and of course Pat and Greg. We played Halifax....and although i wanted to play black ball i must admit they are basically the exact same thing. It was fun, however i lost in the end *tear tear*.
Yesterday i did all patricks laundry, that was loads..and greg, jl and I watched aladdin, all reminescing of our younger Disney days...i think we should do it more often.
So today was back to school. I have many thoughts. we had a chapel on living a purposeful life. My purpose in life is to serve God, so i am once again so thankful for the opportunity to go to Guatemala and serve Him. But until then I need to serve Him here. There are many people who I love who need to know the Love of God.
My heart is sad, because many of my friends and I have fallen apart...some cases i dont even understand why. How can people cause so much pain to someone that they love? or have said they loved...Man's ways are foolish...much time in prayer needs to be spent concerning this. I pray about it often. I know Gods ways are better than mans ways. My solution to it all though is just to keep trying. Keep on emailing, keep on encouraging...I dont want to give up...but is there a point in which one should stop trying? I am always torn between that...i believe in perserverence, but i also dont want to pester anyone...a vicious circle..
Life is full of these vicious circles. I am thankful that God has already won and claimed victory over all my the song says The Battle Belongs to the Lord. Hmm i love that hymn..its never sang enough.
Dont get the wrong impression, all is well and i am quite content...But of course minds wonder and question things. Thanks be to God for the blessings He gives me daily.
I have been blessed with so much, my mom, patrick, friends, family, the beauty in life, abundance of food, opportunities, shelter, money. To me it seems impossible to see all the things we have in life, and not give praise to our Father.
Well this is getting even longer than my already lengthy entries..See ya

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Visited the L'arche people

First off i was wrong, as i thought l'arche was spelt larsh...but i stand corrected. This weekend has been pretty good thus far...spent lots of time playing with Patrick...ouuu mom took us to love the chicken for dinner last night. Mmmm..i had chicken and ribs.
Patrick is trying to tell me that Darla's life is going to end soon and i should say my goodbyes...such harsh and evil words, what did i ever do to him.
So tongiht i went over to one of the L'arche housholds for dinner. I had an original newfie meal. I was quite impressed. It consisted of cabbage, turnip, carrots, dressing, turkey, salt meat, peas pudding, i think that was it...all covered in gravy. Different, yes...but a cultural experience. The people there were really cute. All of course with unique personalities. I respect the way that they are allowed to be their own people. At the dinner table, after eating there was a small napkin throwing, water throwing fight. It was a food fight, however lacking in the food.
GAH so heres todays frustration. I have waited sooooooo incredibly long to watch Mean Girls, and 42 dollars (all the movies) later we had rented it from blockbuster last night. So today i go to watch it and half way through it stops made me soo mad. Pat promised that we could re rent it tomorrow, so soon enough i will get to finish it all.
Hmmm.. well i am out of things to say for this moment. I could ramble on forever, but that means leaving Pat to himself and who knows what trouble he could get himself into...including the fact when i came home he was watching basketball, and for dinner eating doritos and drinking pepsi...sad story i tell you...can't leave him alone...or no good decisions will be love him.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Long weekend, much welcomed!

So....heather's hair went well...a success you might say. I have another "client" to do tomorrow evening, as my mama wants her hair done too...It shall be fun. I love doing it. Apparently my mom is going to grow her hair long...we will see how long that lasts...she is so cute. I have never seen her with long hair before...Shelia told her to try not to come back for a hair cut for 2 or 3 months, lol i know she will be going crazy.
I am excited about the weekend...not that anything overly exciting ever happens but i just enjoy spending my time with patrick, mommy, and brennan. Most of the time we laze around, but this weekend we can laze around and eat chocolate cause the Easter Bunny will be sure to visit.

GAH gilmore girls was a rerun last night...that ticks me Debrah and I watched the rainman...with a few phone interruptions, it finally was over at about 11:30pm. I wasn't too fond of the ending, however it was an amazing movie. Dustin Hoffman played an awesome character.
It sucks that i am not going to be able to make it to Guelph tomorrow night for Jennahs birthday dinner...i will just have to reschedule with her and make it up to her. Eighteen is an important birthday, and shes an important person.
So as i was excited about the coming of spring, it tended to take a slight hold, and snowed all day yesterday...booo!!!
Well enough rambling on for now, i think i am going to explore this site and see if i can do lots of interesting fun things like jess can do on her msn one...hmm

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Hmm, so today was a fairly eventful day....well it will be..maybe.
Heather was suppose to be here at i am going to highlight her hair...blonde highlights of course, however its a big deal considering she has never had her hair dyed in any way shape or form.
Tonight is church, thus why we are doing it afterschool... people can be surprised at church. Wednesday night church is always great. I haven't seen Don in a while, and I am sure he has a great lesson planned.
I am really happy this weekend is a long one. I feel a little bit tired, but none the less I have been happy. Spring is finally coming, and as one with Seasonal Affective Disorder this time of the year has a great impact on my days.
Spiritually this week has been a really good week. Monday night I had the chance to go over to Greg Whitfields with heidi, heather, debrah and well micah was there. We had some good conversations concerning the ICC and CCC meeting. I also had the chance to talk to Pat about everything that was spiritually on my mind.
I have so much on my mind lately. I am really wrestling in prayer for Cait. I care about her a lot even though I dont know her all that well...each day is proving to be a day where we have had the opportunity to get to know each other more. I suppose it a weird seems that all of Tim's ex-girlfriends have become friends...(lauren and i, and now me and cait..weird)...but they are great people, and we share the commonality of loving God. I really miss Lauren, so I am working on finishing up my letter to her.
Well the bell is going to go, so i should head off...this is so incomplete, but i have many more days to fill this out...


Here I can be just like you and write fun messages about how life is going and all that jazz...hah
Oh man, now i just became a loser myself...