May's World

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How is it that one acquires a path....
The path that leads to their inner selves.
The path of course is easy to acquire... we live, and it creates itself..but how is it that we can acquire one that is so deep and dark that we ourselves have fear of looking at it.
All we see is fear, pain, and darkness.
Its the part of ourselves we hate to give to others.. the most vulnerable.. the part we don't show anyone, or at least struggle to show..
However, what about when its so fierce that we ourselves cant face it. When one cant look into their own heart, their own soul and reach to find what it is... won't even become vulnerable to their own mind, body, soul...because in doing that, they see what is all too familiar.. guilt, fear, shame, sadness, wrong can't think of what to do or say.. consequence.
I hate this life.


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    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:02 PM  

  • The answer lies with directing oneself towards what they desire to become without losing who they are in the process. Coming to terms with what one has done to arrive at such a predicament. One would not be the same today if the 'mistakes' of the past were not made.

    You do not walk down a path backwards with your eyes on your footprints. You look forward towards the path ahead. If you slip on mud or a rock you still move forward, but remember how to avoid it in the future.

    Keep your eyes on the path ahead.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:08 PM  

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