May's World

Monday, February 27, 2006

Day o' Adventure

Me standing outside the tattoo and piercing parlor!

Heres a group picture from a place in the mountains up near Tactic..very high up in the mountains..we spent a day with these kids teaching them VBS, they were a lot of fun. This is one of my little Fredi and me, it was taking quite a while ago back when we went to Tactic...this is when My parasite was visiting and I was really sick!!

Liz, Bryna and Ronald decided this was a photo op.
Ronald and myself had our own date...Liz, Bryna and me smiling at Mcdonalds for a nice picture!! Yay!!
Us chickies from the left Liz, me, Bryna, Kim and Sarah...just waiting on for the Chicken Bus to arrive..on our way to get Kim and Tara's nose pierced..

Esau playing dead with Mario...
Alex working 'hard' at Higher Grounds (picking out cds)
Jorge not smiling for the camera...tisk tisk..

Me peaking through a hole at my Bryna!
Here are three of the guys...Esau, Jonathon and Jesse on top of the cliff we climbed...i would also like to make note, ladies dont be wearing a short skirt when you decide to go cliff climbing..

This is just a nice shot of the place..from a high.
Yay our shadows!!!! We stood on top of one of the ruins and were making shadows...the one that looks like the eye...2nd last to the right, is me!!!
The one with the group is down under in the church...just climbing around, in the windows, having a blast.
The one is Jonathon just messing around jumping..
The one with the sky is taken from a whole in the ground looking up towards the sky.
We have Jonathon jumping down this whole into a tomb thing at one of the churches. Below was a torture chamber basically where they would have people stand there and drip water on their heads. The one below is on the fountain and just in the garden of one of the churches we shot!

here is Kim, Jonathon and me

Just a shot of me Bryna took

This is just a picture of us girls and one of our guy friends. From left to right, theres Kim, Bryna, Esau, Tara and me!!We were having a great time jumping around in these arches, and splashing in the fountains beside it.

Hey Everyone!!!
So its been quite a while since I have found time to actually make an update...and well there is so much going on and so much to type...its just too hard to get it all down. Anyways currently I am doing two University courses in two weeks, for full semester credits, the work and class time has been pretty intense, but I am still taking time to live it up none the less. The pictures I have posted on here have their explanations written and you will know all about our Day O' Adventure. To break it down for you, A couple of our Guatemalan Friends took us to all these tourist places, and got us in for basically nothing, to check out the ruins and churches. It was so fun. There are some other ones that I have thrown in from different times that I just havent had the chance to get on here...but I hope you enjoy them all.
The time here is going by so fast, I cant believe 2 months have past. This is what feels like home now, especially since we have created friendships with some people...not that home in Canada isnt home, but that we have finally set in and adapted. We have lots of things to do, the weather is almost always gorgeous, and our relationships are growing daily. I love it. A lot is going on for the month of we shall see how it all goes. After our intense courses, we head into our Guatemalan Family homes again for ten days, and then we head off to Tikal for a nice trip, going into Honduras and the beach and stuff like that. Tikal is where all the mayan stuff is, and so I am very excited. Its our one trip of just travelling and fun stuff to do...and then its already April.
Now is the time where a couple of the parents of students are coming to visit. We had Rachels parents here last week, and this upcoming one, Tara has her aunt and cousin coming, the next week comes Sarahs parents, and then Davids girlfriend and then Karlas everyone is pretty thrilled to be seeing people from home. Its nice to have the company.
These past few weekends we have hosted some other teams travelling around here, with a good dinner and worship night. This Sunday is going to be sweet. We are hosting 60 ppl..and then Juan Carlos and the guys are putting on a sweet concert! Yay..So exciting...
Anyways enough rambling, I am sure looking at all the pictures will keep you entertained...and just reading about them.. once again sorry for the not really constructive captions with the acurate sure y'all managed.
Love me



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