May's World

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Been A long while..

Well its been one heck of a long time since I have bl
ogged at all. In fact many months.. and oh so much has happened. I am home now from Guatemala.. How is it; one might inquire..well it has its ups and downs. The initial coming back into Canadian culture sucked...and a lot of the time it still does, but I have much better adapted now. Mom has made my coming back so awesome. She has just loved me up and taken good care of me in times when I am down.

I spent the first month crying everyday...but now its about every other day.. so there's an up.
I have been working a lot lately...even pulled a double-sh
ift for a striking 15 1/2 hours. ..and I have managed myself a promotion.. so I am moving into a management position. That's exciting for me.

I am heading back to Guatemala for Christmas holidays.. really an extended Christmas.. As of right now, I plan on leaving Dec 22 and coming back March 3rd. I am looking into different ministries I can get involved in while I am down there this time.. I am thinking about going back to the orphanage I worked at while I was there the first time.. if not a different one. There are so many opportunities down there, and I am look forward to embracing many of them. I think for the first part of being there, I will go b
ack to Spanish School, just to polish up.. for 3 weeks or something. Espero que yo puedo apprender mas espanol..mas y mas y mas. I miss Guatemala so much.. the place, the friends, and of course Jorge. My extra two months there were so amazing. Everyday I was growing and learning more about the culture there, about different family dynamics, and about God and His culture. Jorge and I were able to learn so much about each other, and have so many fun experiences...and a scary one too..note to self: Don't climb Agua ever again. But really those two months were perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything more picturesque or relaxing as that time. Gracias a Dios por mi tiempo alli, y por mi novio que me ama con todo su corazon.

Heidi has set off for Papua New Guinea (last week). I am so excited for her. She has such a beautiful heart and desires so much to do missionary work. It is my prayer for her that God can just use this time for healing and learning/growing. I can not even imagine what He has in store for her. He never ceases to amaze me with the way if we follow Him, He lays before us such beautiful paths. I look forward hearing all her amazing stories, and sharing more of mine with her.

I can hardly wait to see everything He has in store for all of our lives.. so many changes have come about.. Crystal getting engaged, me and the whole Guatemala world, Kim and school and Eric, Debrah and a possible missions trip, Heidi gone. Everyone has just adapted and grown into life. My family is changing. Peter's married, Aubrey is getting bigger, Richard is already in gr
ade 4, and learning French..Mom and I have moved to Waterloo and she is getting settled into a new job now.. Oh the seasons of life.. Time just flies by. If there is one thing to be sure... I can do nothing but trust in His perfect plans for all of us...It just sets me in awe.

I visited Maureen and Nicole 2 weekends ago now. The three were finally united and it was wonderful.. we even laughed so hard we cried.. and it was so comforting to just be around those
who you know understand you...and share a unique relationship with. Talking with Maureen was so refreshing to me. It made me miss those mornings when I would just sit in drive-thru rush.. and while all the cars went through, the two of us were in our own world, just serving the customers and talking and gabbing about faith, and challenges. The challenges never seem to vanish, but do they ever make us stronger...and I am so thankful to God for her gratitude, strength and wisdom. May the Lord continue to bless her ministry, her heart, and her works, as she continues to follow in His footsteps and take up her cross as she goes.

Well I suppose this is a long enough entry for now.. I will be sure to update a
little more regularly.. I miss writing the blogs where I could speak different truths about God, and different lessons I am learning daily. Until then..


  • jason moving to the states...i thought that was pretty big too :P

    By Blogger jason, at 7:15 PM  

  • AH!!!! I miss you so freakin much!!!!!! I was planning on coming down in maybe I'll try to push it up so I can see you!!!! Ah i miss you soooooooooooooo much.

    New update, I have a man...and i mean I real man. We will see how everything goes and you might be meeting him in Guatemala!!!

    By Blogger Abby Mommy, at 4:19 PM  

  • Good Stuff May

    I'm jealous of the fact that dale can listen to limbaugh and hannity every day :(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:04 PM  

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