May's World

Friday, April 07, 2006

Muchas Fotos!

Hey Everyone!!! So i realize it has been forever since I have updated, in which case this blog happens to have many many pictures in it. I will go through and explain some of them. Time here is going well. I have finished 3 of 6 courses now, and soon to be 4! We have had some awesome times in the last while, travelling which is what some of these pictures are, and hanging out in the Guatemalan homes! Anyways enjoy the pics..hope everyone is doing well.

Bryna, Liz, Tara, and Sarah waiting for the good old chicken bus!

These ones were just taken today! This little kids are awesome (Eddie, and Oliver)! We play skipbo and uno and spoons and other games all day long. I love them so much. We also have my Aussie friend Dave taking a lovely pic of himself.

These pictures here are taken in Tikal, in the Mayan Ruins. It was an amazing sight...temples, and just history behind everything. The one dark one below is me standing way up high on the highest temple number 4. The background is a scene y'all may remember. Its a shot taken in Star Wars.

Here is Sarah, me and Nicki posing for a nice pic in Flores, at our beautiful hotel. I also had the ladies pose a nice look out pic for me.

We went to a sweet pirate fort, and where Nicki and I are sitting, we are in which is the prison. Prisoners would be chained to these walls, and the water would come pouring in. What happened then was mosquitos would be attracted to the musk and come and eat alive the prisoners. The longest person to last was only a year, everyone else would die within 6 months.

This is a sweet shot of jungle area, as the sunlight hits it perfectly. Tara, Kim and I being goofs in our hotel room after dancing in this huge tropical rain storm.

Awesome shots of our boat ride through the jungle.

The Mecaws! These birds are soooo gorgeous! And me visiting Honduras!! We went for a night it was awesome!

This altar was by far the coolest thing i saw. If you can see, it is carved like a ying yang, and was used for human sacrifices. So the persons head would go in the centre where you see the spot. and then they would slit the throats of the people and their blood would pour down the ying yang carving and would represent the good and evil.
This was also a sweet photo op. The mecaw just flew and sat on top of this statue...which is Eighteen Rabbits (The 13th ruler) statue of the sun god.

The girls and I had a fun night in Honduras. We all took fun pics with our drinks and sang our hearts away.

This building here that you can see if the BORDER! ha i got a great kick out of it. This is the border between Guatemala and Honduras.
You can also see here my friend Matt.
Ha and this other guy in the blue is also a friend names Matt. He came with the PA team from BC, and is sporting his brand new rip off Lacoste shirt.
Also me!!! with MY BIG YUMMY LIMONADA!!

Here is our tuk tuk. They are like little scooter taxis..and are only made for like 2 people. However we shoved in five. I was basically sitting on the drivers lap..crazy on the cobblestone roads I tell ya. And here is me and one of the little girls at the orphanage. Today while I was there, Liz and I had the chance to feed the three year olds. It was so cute...all of them with their beans and tortillas!

Ah!! Yes my sweetest girl Bryna sporting her beautiful dress she bought for her time in Kansas...which was a success, her brother is now hitched.
This is a sweet picture of one of the huge Catholic churches in Antigua. It looks awesome.
And this last picture is me and Miguel...also known as Michael in English...
The end for now...
Things are going well. Lots is going on! Ill keep ya's updated.


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