May's World

Friday, October 21, 2005


Hey! Well I dont really have very much to ramble on about, but I am sure that once this is done, you will all be fufilled with useless thoughts of me...but I figured it necessary to blog considering I'll be booted off Gregs list of bloggers if I dont..haha, and I am incredibly bored. So it has become apparent to me that my mother and I somehow switched lives...Heres how it goes...While I am the one who is young and should be out all the time, I am not..She is the one out everynight till like 12 with her boyfriend living the young adult life, while im the one living the 48 year old widow life...working coming home and sleeping..sometimes watching tv. Brutal!! I missed the notice saying that I was going from 18- to 48..ha It hasnt totally been a let down. I have actually had a pretty eventful week from last Friday. Heather and I had an amazing Saturday (of last)...did all the fun girlie eat and shop, and play with sausages, and check out the bagger boy..and contemplate riding the pig. Ha dont forget the friendship bracelets and sock buying! LOL...oh man, we had some amazing times ...we also worked on the non-working wooing (well heather did...i just yelled at the bagging boy).. ha which both seemed to be pointless..but made for some sweet laughs. We went to Jays party which was wicked too..overall awesome day.. Went back to Waterloo this wednesday with Brandon...he was nice enough to come sleep over tuesday night..and bring me back with him...and i ent to jays..stopped by perfect timing for a nice spaghetti lunch ha. yep...blah blah, im just rambling. Life is is well...meh Kiss the clouds on the rainy days.. may


  • hehehe - I would look a lot less weird in that pic if not for the fact that Eric's head is on my chest......LOL!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:35 PM  

  • It's definately more awesome that way Heather, you wish you were as cool as me....My head on your chest makes it all the more nice.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:54 AM  

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