May's World

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Well, time is becoming short. There are 28 days until I leave for Guatemala. Hard to believe that time has flown by so fast..six months since graduation at GL...crazy.
My next few weeks are destined to be busy. I basically know what I am doing between now and the time I leave, so..the countdown is on.
This weekend is looking to be promising. We are having Christmas with the everyone is coming home. Shane and Jess/kids arrive tomorrow night, yay. I cant wait to see them all. I havent seen them since Independence wahoo for that. I have wrapped up some gifts for the children, and tomorrow I need to do some quick shopping for my sister in laws gift..I dont know what to get her, but lets hope in the mall, I can find something...even though I have attempted this twice already...
Friday I work a closing shift which sucks because now I cant make it down to GL to see the play, and I was really looking forward to it..especially since it would be my only time before I
Hopefully on Saturday night I can make it out to Jays would be fun.
Blah blah blah...
I find myself in a weird spot as time dwindles...I am finding myself so excited. I can not wait to get on the plane, and leave winter behind, in order to go help others. I can't wait to be embersed into a whole new culture, learning, and ultimately growing....but I also have found myself almost breaking down a lot too. Six months isnt really a long time..but still change is going to be hard. Nicole and I are getting weepy to some songs we hear at work, lol..and its going to be hard not to see friends/family for that amount of time..but I know it will go so fast. Yay..dream come true.
God has really been working in me through this whole process. Hes really been showing me how to lean on Him, and is helping me understand Matt 6 about not worrying.
Praise is due to Him, for His help in my well a good hardy thank you to my friends who've also helped. Its inspiring to see...
Anyways, I have run outta things that I really feel like typing about.. this is as good as it gets folks...bittersweet


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