May's World

Monday, January 15, 2007

Part 1 of Guate

The time certainly continues on..and before I know it months have passed since I have written anything in my blog..
I have made my return to Guatemala, and its coming up 4 weeks that I have been here. Its great to be emmersed in the Hispanic culture again.. The past week I have been taking more spanish classes as to polish up the little blemishes that occur while speaking. And I just love my spanish teacher..she is such a wonderful woman and has offered me so many little advices regarding life and everything we have in it..
So now let me tell you about some things that I have done....Probably the most adventurful thing I have done since I left is TuRkEy kILlInG!! haha it was amazing..please note, amanda has a sick and twisted sense of humor...anyways
Jorge and I went with his cousins to a friends house and we did the dirty work of turkey killing.. i believe the total count was 14..but was it ever an exciting 14 murders... Here you can see a headless turkey, he was sadly decapitated and his blood is pouring out of his head..and to the left you see a nice bucket full of heads...his amigos, who also didnt make it..below here we have the lovely altar..the place of sacrifice...everyone loves a little turkey on Christmas Day, and Thanksgiving...mmmmm..haha ...Okay okay enough about the turkey killing, but if you want to see more, ive got lots, videos of the death time and everything... dont forget pictures of the turkeys getting plucked and all their insides in a bowl, hehe...

Onto new things.. what else....well As most of you are aware I had Christmas here in Guatemala, and wow what A difference experience.. Where I come from in Canada, fireworks are an of age thing...nineteen and up, and under very strick that the case here in Guatemala, nope not at all... Fireworks, and firecrackers are the most celebrated event for christmas and for new years, so what do we have.....the market full and i mean full of fireworks!! and of age...what does that mean.. i saw these guys selling explosives to many a children, the age of 6 and younger..hah, it reminded me of Chemistry class, when Ocean and Anthony were only interested in making bombs here my friends are some pics of the lovely firework selection Guatemala offers..and let me tell you, these things are sweet!!!!!! Noise, like youve never heard, and wow..just insane..
The one picture shows how long these booths are...all with fireworks, hundreds and thousands of fireworks..and there was 3 rows of booths just like this..same length, millions of fireworks...dangerous yet fun..
We took a trip to Panajachel which is about a two and a half hour drive from here for the day..its a tourist site, but a nice town..We went to a part of the jungle ish area, where there were monkeys, sooo exciting for me, here are some pictures i took from that trip...
Bah I have so many interesting pictures to show and different things to explain but it takes forever to post the pictures..Anyways I will probably end this here for now and continue on another day with more exciting pictures and events..I have a lot, I have been really busy...but i feel like this is taking forever..Enjoy these for now..