May's World

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Last month update

Well the bittersweet feelings once again begin to kick in. The count down is on, in both the negative and positive form.. less than a month left here in Guate.
Time is quickly winding down and activities are slowly dwindling, yet picking up with force. Tomorrow marks the last day of classes for my time here in Guatemala, and Monday-Wednesday are exams finishing up the two courses. Without classes we can hope to have a little more time on our hands. As of the last month, we have been in intensive courses....classes from 8-12 30, then 3-6pm. Quite a lot of school packed into one day. Needless to say, we've all survived. The beginning weeks of June will be finishing up of a paper, and then we head off to Tactic for another missions trip. I am very excited to go to that, because it means challenge, and seeing those beautiful children we had the chance to be with back in January. However the week after that is one of debriefing...the last week together. As of late you can feel the emotions of leaving picking up...people are beginning to realize the value and importance of one another as well the thoughts of "who knows when we will see each other again". The important part for us right now, is just to live it out daily, and take our time to enjoy the last month.
For the past two weeks we all were in our Guatemalan homes for the last time. We spent two straight weeks with them and they have been such a blessing and example for learning. You really get to mix in with the actual culture living within a family, and learning the dynamics of family life here outside of books fills your heart and mind with such new perspectives. The way people interact with one another here is just so different from home once you begin to look into and think about relational.
I have come to love the Guatemalan food (really I have liked it from the start) the thought of not having it anymore brings sadness to my heart...however I will just have to make it for myself once I get home...beans, rice, tortillas, plantanos, i need it all.
Anyways life here in Guate is awesome. God is continually stretching each one of us in ways we've never imagined. He has been opened our eyes and hearts to His will for people across the world, and just given us the chance to interact and show His love in unexpected ways.
As the last month passes by, it is my prayer that our team can pull together even more...that we may be united and bonded in His love, lavishing His characteristics on others.
Its sad to imagine leaving here, but I know I will be back...who even knows how soon.
But on the happy note, I look forward to seeing you all, and just wrapping my arms around you, hugging you all and feeling the comfort of loved ones from home.
I hope all is well around with everyone. I have heard so many exciting stories and life changing events with everyone. I am excited for coming home and once again being involved. May the Lord be blessing you in all y'all do, and may you continue to walk in His light.
Love you always